Thursday, March 10, 2011

THE EYES OF A TRAITOR are a group of young English metallers hailing from Hertfordshire who have taken the metal world by storm with their youth and intense brand of metal. recently conducted an interview with singer Jack Delaney.  The band is coming fresh off the release of their newest album, Breathless, which has left many listeners just that – Breathless, including Devin after his recent raving review of the album.  I’m sure you guys get comments on your age a lot, but it’s not every day that a band at your age is able to perform and accomplish what you have.  So on that note, what is everyone’s musical background?  When did you all start playing your instruments?  Have you had any formal training?

Jack Delaney (THE EYES OF A TRAITOR – Vocals): Sam Brennan, our drummer, currently writes most of the music.  He started off in jazz funk bands when he was younger so he has an interesting take on how to play metal, which is always useful.  Every member in our band has a strong musical upbringing. WE KNOW OUR SHIT. One thing that really sticks out to me in your music is the rhythmic playing of the band as a whole.  You have quite a varied repertoire of rhythms which not every band is able to pull off since it keeps the listener intrigued.  Have you intentionally focused on the rhythm playing of your songs, or is that just how you naturally write as a band?  Do you go into the song writing process with any intentions other than making a kick ass song?

JD: Sam wrote the majority of Breathless. And yes he focused on raw grooves and rhythm rather than chucking in boring annoying lead parts everywhere. We always have the intention of writing a kick ass song, but we always have a grand idea before we start writing.  It’s never just random scrawlings. Why have you chosen Breathless as your album title?  Is there any meaning behind it for the band?

JD: Well for starters, it’s the title of a track on the album. As for a meaning behind it – it has to do with the fact we are fed up, pissed off and angry at the state of the music scene.  It’s all bullshit politics. Breathless. Although I have not seen you live, I was able to check out some of your live performances on YouTube, and I must say, they are packed with energy and really match your music well.  I have unfortunately been let down in the past by bands with great albums who fail to deliver on the stage.  How do you guys prepare for your live shows?  Do you have any band rituals?  What do you enjoy most about playing live?

JD: Lots of practice before we tour. Our guitarists are literally glued to the instruments warming up before shows as well. And I warm up my voice. Haha. Band rituals.... FUCKIN JAGER BOMBS! The best part of playing live, IS PLAYING LIVE - every part of it.  Thus far in your early careers you have been able to share the stage with some notable acts like Gojira and Emmure.  Has the touring life been what you expected, or have you experienced things you really were not expecting?  Is it as glamorous as what many people think?  If you were able to set up a tour starting tomorrow, who would you guys like to be on tour with?

JD: Touring is amazing! But there have been some hard parts about it in the past like sleeping on people’s floors and sleeping in a cold van!  Broken down vans, car crashes!  Luckily, at our current status, we are able to tour in comfort - but fuck me has it been hard up to this point.

Ok, if we could go on tomorrow, I would personally say AFTER THE BURIAL, IWRESTLEDABEARONCE, THRICE and  AVRIL LAVIGNE haha.  What is the ultimate goal for you guys as a band?  World domination like MetallicA? Just being able to play your music for a living? Get filthy rich? Any particular message the band is trying to spread?

JD: World domination is always our goal. Being able to play in as many places and to as many people as possible!  Being able to live off the band would be a bonus freals! But the main reason we are doing it is for ourselves!  I always like to know what bands are listening to in their private time.  Sometimes you really get surprised.  If I were to steal your iPod, what would be the first 3 songs/bands that come up on shuffle be?

JD: My iPod personally: 1st band and track (on random) is IWRESTLEDABEARONCE,  “Danger in the Manger”, 2nd is PUDDLE OF MUDD,  “Bring me Down”, and lastly
DEVIL SOLD HIS SOUL, “Tides”.  As for my private listening time, my favorite 3 bands and tracks at this current time are: PIERCE THE VEIL, “Caraphernelia” , INCUBUS, “Pardon me”
and EMMURE, “Solar Flare Homicide”!  Did you guys start the band with the expectation/goal of being where you are at today, or is your current success something you really did not plan on or think would happen?

JD: We started the band when we were all 14 with the original lineup. We were just a bunch of kids at the time finding our feet.  All we wanted to do was play shows!  Having it get to this stage is something we never expected but obviously dreamed about.  Considering the geographical layout of Europe, you guys have been able to perform in several countries.  So far, which country/city has been your favorite to play in?

JD: Zurich, Switzerland has to be the best place we have ever played! Our tour with MAROON , AFTER THE BURIAL and THE AGONIST clashed with the WINDS OF PLAGUE tour,
so as you can imagine, the turnout of kids was gnarly as fuck!  In regards to the lyrics, who writes them and where do you draw your inspiration from?

TEOAT: Our vocalist (Jack Delany) writes all the lyrics. As for the inspiration with them - for Breathless, Jack went through a nasty break up with his girlfriend right around the time we were writing the record, so a lot of the songs are about her in one way or another.

Check out THE EYES OF A TRAITOR’s song, “Talk Of The Town”, off of their 2011 Listenable Records release, Breathless.